Multi-modal traffic solutions are freight transports, where cargo units (as MOCO, swap bodies, containers) are transported on the total distance by at least two different modes of transport (e.g. road, rail, sea). The Montan Spedition deals exclusively with the conbination of rail and road transport, the so called unaccompanied combined transport (UCT), raild-road, where only the cargo units are transported. | |
Characteristic of the combined traffic rail-road is to link the advantages of two modes: the mass performance of the railway, which is ideal for linking long distances, with the flexibility of the truck that is unbeatable in short and medium distances for collecting and distributing traffic. Combined transport is principally suited to transport all kinds of goods that are also transported by truck over long distances. » ADVANTAGESUse of the advantages of rail and road without goods manipulation
» Economic
» Ecologic